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发布时间:2018-03-29 18:02

  本文选题:中小股份制商业银行 切入点:竞争力 出处:《河北工程大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:金融是经济的核心,银行是金融体系中重要的组成部分,是经济体系的命脉。在我国资本市场长期发展不足,间接融资占据主导地位的背景下,银行的地位更显得举足轻重,而中小股份制商业银行又是商业银行中较为活跃的组成部分,尤其对中小民营企业的发展给予了很大的资金支持。因此对中国中小股份制商业银行竞争力的研究是中国金融理论的重要组成部分。 本文以我国主要的八家中小股份制商业银行为主要研究对象,并结合三家国有大型商业银行采用理论分析和实证分析相结合的研究方法,进行深入细致的分析和比较研究,通过对商业银行的主要指标进行因子分析,根据计算结果对它们的竞争力现状进行比较和分析,同时通过各个主因子的排序,分析我国不同商业银行的优势和劣势。 本文的结构是:首先提出了研究背景和目的,回顾了企业竞争力理论,阐述了企业竞争力基本概念和特征,详细探讨了我国商业银行竞争力的内涵:其次,对我国中小股份制商业银行的发展现状进行介绍,分别介绍了我国银行业的整体发展现状,我国中小股份制商业银行的产生、发展及作用和我国中小股份制商业银行竞争力的发展现状;第三,对我国中小股份制商业银行的竞争力进行实证分析,构建适合对我国中小股份制商业银行进行评价的体系,然后运用因子分析法对指标数据进行分析,得出结果对它们的竞争力现状进行比较和分析:最后,对如何培育和提升我国中小股份制商业银行核心竞争力提出了自己的看法和对策建议。
[Abstract]:Finance is the core of the economy, and the bank is an important part of the financial system and the lifeblood of the economic system. And small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks are more active components of commercial banks. Especially for the development of small and medium-sized private enterprises, it is an important part of Chinese financial theory to study the competitiveness of small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in China. In this paper, eight major small joint-stock commercial banks in China are taken as the main research objects, and three large state-owned commercial banks adopt the research methods of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to carry out in-depth and detailed analysis and comparative study. Through the factor analysis of the main indexes of commercial banks and the comparison and analysis of their competitive status according to the calculation results, the advantages and disadvantages of different commercial banks in China are analyzed through the ranking of the main factors at the same time. The structure of this paper is as follows: firstly, the research background and purpose are put forward, the theory of enterprise competitiveness is reviewed, the basic concepts and characteristics of enterprise competitiveness are expounded, and the connotation of competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks is discussed in detail. Secondly, This paper introduces the present situation of the development of the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in China, introduces the overall development situation of the banking industry in our country, and introduces the emergence of the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in our country. The development and function of small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in China and the development of the competitiveness of the status quo; third, the competitiveness of small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in China is analyzed empirically, and a suitable evaluation system for small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks in China is constructed. Then the factor analysis method is used to analyze the index data, and the results are compared and analyzed. Finally, The author puts forward his own views and suggestions on how to cultivate and promote the core competence of the small and medium stock commercial banks in China.


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