本文选题:国有金融资产 + 管理体制 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着改革开放和社会主义现代化建设不断向前推进,我国金融行业在支持实体经济发展,引导社会资金流向和优化资源配置等方面发挥重要作用,其在我国国民经济中的地位也越来越重要。纵观我国金融业产权结构,国有产权占有相当大的比例。可以说,国有金融资产支撑着我国整个金融行业的发展。但是现行国有金融资产管理体制存在一些问题,如立法空白,出资人代表不明确,出资人职能与公共职能缺乏有效隔离,激励约束机制不合理等。这些问题所带来的矛盾已经严重制约国家对整个金融行业的布局能力,国有金融资产保值增值以及国有金融企业的做大做强。中共中央在“十二五”规划建议中明确提出“健全国有金融资产管理体制,完善地方政府金融管理体制”将国有金融资产管理体制问题提升到一个新的战略高度。可以说,对现行国有金融资产管理体制进行改革,建立符合我国国情的新型国有金融资产管理体制迫在眉睫。因此,将国有金融资产管理体制作为研究题目具有很强的现实意义。 本文的主要成果在于以公共品理论,委托代理理论和寻租理论等经济学理论为基础,从历史和现实两个维度深入考量我国国有金融资产管理体制,并有效揉合国际上其他国家国有金融资产管理经验,提出符合后危机时代金融业发展趋势的国有金融资产管理体制方案设计。但鉴于作者水平以及研究时间和人力的限制,所提方案宏观性较强,并未对方案实施的具体内容进行细化。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous progress of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the financial industry in China has played an important role in supporting the development of the real economy, guiding the flow of social funds and optimizing the allocation of resources.Its position in our national economy is becoming more and more important.Throughout our financial property structure, state-owned property rights account for a large proportion.It can be said that state-owned financial assets support the development of the entire financial industry in China.However, there are some problems in the current state-owned financial asset management system, such as blank legislation, unclear representative of the investor, lack of effective separation between the function of the investor and the public function, unreasonable incentive and restraint mechanism, and so on.The contradictions brought about by these problems have seriously restricted the ability of the state to distribute the whole financial industry, maintain and increase the value of state-owned financial assets, and make the state-owned financial enterprises bigger and stronger.In the proposal of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the CPC Central Committee has clearly proposed that "perfecting the management system of state-owned financial assets and perfecting the financial management system of local governments" will raise the problem of the management system of state-owned financial assets to a new strategic height.It can be said that it is urgent to reform the current state-owned financial assets management system and establish a new state-owned financial assets management system in accordance with the national conditions of our country.Therefore, the state-owned financial assets management system as a research topic has a strong practical significance.The main achievements of this paper are based on the theory of public goods, principal-agent theory and rent-seeking theory.Combining the experiences of other countries in the world, this paper puts forward the scheme design of the management system of state-owned financial assets, which accords with the development trend of the financial industry in the post-crisis era.However, in view of the limitations of the author's level and the time and manpower of the research, the proposed scheme is more macroscopic and does not refine the concrete contents of the implementation of the scheme.
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