本文选题:世界城市 + 首都金融 ; 参考:《中国金融》2010年13期
[Abstract]:At present, the economic and social development of the capital has entered a new stage of the overall construction of a modern international metropolis. According to the overall deployment of the strategic goal of realizing the modernization of the state, the general plan of the Beijing city (2004 to 2020) has been put forward by the State Council. "By 2050, Beijing should be built into an economic, social, and ecological comprehensive association. Beijing municipal government attaches great importance to the problem of world city construction. "The action plan of the world city" will be decomposed and implemented in the 12th Five-Year plan of Beijing "12th Five-Year". Finance is the core of the modern economy. The financial industry is in the important position of the social and economic development of Beijing in recent years. Only the speed of development is the first of all industries, and it has leaped into the first major industry in the capital. Then, how to rely on the international financial industry and the advantages of the headquarters of the domestic financial institutions to serve the economic development of the capital international metropolis and headquarters is a important and realistic topic for the construction of the world city. In the face of the important task of the capital in the overall situation of the country, the new change of status, facing the historical responsibility of promoting the scientific development of the capital and promoting social harmony, how to examine the scientific development of the capital financial industry, improve the level of scientific development, the level of scientific development, the level of planning and the management of the service, and the financial department of the capital, in the face of the historical responsibility of promoting the scientific development of the capital and promoting social harmony. With these questions, Mr. Wei Jijun, the chief editor of the journal, made an interview with the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee and the deputy mayor of Jilin.
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