本文选题:城市商业银行 + 国际业务 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the sixties of the last century, the international monetary system and financial system have undergone revolutionary changes, the countries began to carry out frequent trade exchanges, which led to the rapid development of the international business of commercial banks. The international business is not the traditional business of the bank, it has many advantages which the traditional business does not have. Compared with the traditional banking business, the international business of the commercial bank has the characteristics of low risk, strong profitability, high added value and so on. At present, international business measures the important index of bank operation, and it is also one of the important sources of intermediate business income of commercial banks. Taking Bank A of City Commercial Bank as an example, this paper analyzes the internal and external marketing environment of Bank A through pest analysis and SWOT analysis. On the basis of choosing differentiation strategy as the direction, combined with 4PPS marketing theory, the author formulates the international marketing strategy for Bank A. This paper mainly introduces the current situation of Bank A's international business marketing and the causes of the international business marketing problems. Based on the above analysis, the internal and external environment of the development of Bank A's international business marketing is analyzed and summarized. Then, based on the above research results, the strategic objectives of international business development for Bank A are formulated, and the strategy is determined and selected. Finally, strategic strategies are put forward from four aspects: product, channel, price and promotion. Finally, from the funds, talent, technology, organization and internal control five aspects of security measures. It is hoped that through the in-depth study and analysis of the current situation of Bank A's international business, it will explore a set of effective international business marketing strategies, and point out a clear way for the development of its international business. At the same time, it also provides reference for the development of international business of domestic city commercial banks.
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