本文选题:金融控股公司 + 防火墙 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着金融自由化与金融机构国际化、大型化的发展潮流,金融机构由分业经营向综合经营发展已成为主要趋势。金融控股公司,正是在这种趋势下所产生的重要组织形态,是金融创新的必然产物。但是,金融控股公司在带来规模经济、范围经济及协同效应等优势的同时,由此而产生的利益冲突及风险问题也是不容忽视的。2008年以来,美国和世界遭遇了自大萧条以来最为严重的金融和经济危机,在一定程度上也和金融控股公司宽松的综合经营体制有关。防火墙法律制度的建设可以有效防范利益冲突,控制风险传递,对于金融控股公司的发展具有显著的意义。 国外及我国台湾地区都相继通过金融控股公司的相关立法,确立了金融控股公司的防火墙法律制度。在我国,已经出现了大量的类金融控股公司,,但大都风险意识低,内控机制缺失。加上我国立法的不完善,这些金融机构大都处于金融监管的空白。因此,应借鉴先进的防火墙制度经验,加快建立与完善我国金融控股公司的防火墙法律制度。全文除前言和结语外,共分为四章: 第一章:金融控股公司防火墙法律制度的基本理论。介绍了防火墙法律制度的内涵、特征、法律性质,比较了格拉斯—斯蒂格尔墙、中国墙与防火墙法律制度,总结了有关防火墙法律制度的主要学术观点及争议,并且讨论了防火墙制度设立的必要性及其功能。 第二章:金融控股公司防火墙制度的法律设计。对如何构建金融控股公司的防火墙制度进行了讨论,包括构建的价值目标和具体原则,防火墙制度的主要内容以及运行机制。 第三章:国外及我国台湾地区金融控股公司防火墙制度模式和法律实践。重点介绍了美国、德国及我国台湾地区的防火墙制度模式,比较和分析各个地区不同的特点和实践经验。 第四章:我国金融控股公司防火墙法律制度的建立和完善。介绍我国金融控股公司及其防火墙制度的发展现状,并对如何建立和完善我国的防火墙法律制度提出了具体的建议。
[Abstract]:With financial liberalization and internationalization of financial institutions and the trend of large-scale development, the development of financial institutions from separate operation to comprehensive management has become the main trend. Financial holding company is the inevitable product of financial innovation. However, while the financial holding companies bring the advantages of economies of scale, economies of scope and synergies, the conflicts of interest and risks arising from them are not to be ignored. The United States and the world have suffered the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression, in part because of the loose integrated system of financial holding companies. The construction of firewall legal system can effectively prevent conflicts of interest and control risk transmission, which is of great significance to the development of financial holding companies. Foreign countries and Taiwan have established the firewall legal system of financial holding companies through the relevant legislation of financial holding companies. In China, there have been a large number of financial holding companies, but most of them have low risk awareness and lack of internal control mechanism. Coupled with the imperfect legislation of our country, these financial institutions are mostly in the blank of financial supervision. Therefore, we should learn from the advanced experience of firewall system, and accelerate the establishment and perfection of firewall legal system of financial holding company in China. In addition to the preface and conclusion, the full text is divided into four chapters: chapter one: the basic theory of firewall legal system of financial holding company. This paper introduces the connotation, characteristics and legal nature of firewall legal system, compares Glass-Steagall wall, Chinese wall and firewall legal system, summarizes the main academic viewpoints and disputes about firewall legal system. The necessity and function of setting up firewall system are also discussed. Chapter two: legal design of firewall system of financial holding company. This paper discusses how to construct the firewall system of the financial holding company, including the value goal and concrete principle, the main contents and the operating mechanism of the firewall system. Chapter three: the firewall system model and legal practice of foreign and Taiwan financial holding companies. This paper mainly introduces the firewall system model of America, Germany and Taiwan, and compares and analyzes the different characteristics and practical experience of each region. Chapter four: the establishment and perfection of firewall legal system of financial holding company in our country. This paper introduces the present situation of financial holding company and its firewall system in China, and puts forward some concrete suggestions on how to establish and perfect the legal system of firewall in our country.
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