[Abstract]:The investment channel of endowment insurance fund in our country is single, combined with the pressure of aging population, the fund operation form is severe. At present, many domestic scholars have proposed to follow the experience of foreign fund management, and to diversify the pension fund in our country. However, whether the development level of the capital market in China can meet the basic requirements of the investment and operation of the pension insurance fund (emphasizing the security, liquidity and the principle of profitability) is a question worthy of further discussion. The investment of endowment insurance fund and capital market have close relation. Endowment insurance fund enters capital market is a trend that whole world finance develops. The degree to which the pension fund is involved in the capital market mainly depends on two factors, one is the maturity of the pension fund itself, the other is the development of the capital market. China's capital market is not mature, so some scholars believe that pension funds should wait until the capital market is fully developed before entering. However, the author believes that this view is not the rule of the financial market and that waiting is not the rule of the financial market. The United States now has such a developed financial industry and rich financial derivatives, which has a great bearing on the imperfections of its banking industry. China's pension funds should actively enter the market, market access will be "win-win." This paper discusses the feasibility and necessity of the investment and operation of pension insurance funds from the interactive relationship between pension funds and capital markets, and draws lessons from the successful experiences of Chile, Singapore and the United States. Finally, the author puts forward some specific strategies for the investment and operation of the pension fund in China, that is, according to the requirements of the principles of security, liquidity and profitability of the pension fund, Design reasonable fund investment operation mode, choose feasible investment tool, arrange appropriate investment structure. In view of the narrow investment channel of the pension insurance fund at present, the single investment means makes the pension insurance fund not have the ability to avoid interest rate risk and inflation risk at all, this paper takes this as the innovation point, the breakthrough point. On the basis of deep analysis of the interaction between capital market and pension insurance fund, this paper puts forward the specific strategies for the investment and operation of pension insurance fund suitable for the national conditions of our country by using the view of modern finance and finance.
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