发布时间:2018-08-09 09:19
【摘要】:随着我国金融体制改革的不断推进,中小银行成为我国金融机构体系的重要组成部分和完善我国金融体系的推动力量。相较于国外一些成熟中的中小银行金融实践,我国中小银行在市场营销定位上存在着诸多问题,影响了中小银行在金融市场中的竞争能力。 本文按照市场营销定位的基础理论,以中小银行开展金融业务的宏观环境为基础,客观的分析了中小银行在市场营销活动中的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁因素,从而明确中小银行市场营销定位的条件和基础。 中小银行应当通过科学的市场细分,,结合自身实力实现对于目标市场的选择,进而制定市场营销定位战略。中小银行应当结合自己的发展情况实现跟随性定位战略向市场补缺者战略的转变,形成以中小企业客户为主体,同时发展社区金融业务和个人金融业务,提高区域发展的契合性,并通过积极的形象定位提高社会公众对于中小银行的认可和肯定。论文最后进行了全文总结并指出了进一步的研究方向。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's financial system reform, small and medium-sized banks have become an important part of our financial institution system and a driving force to perfect our financial system. Compared with the financial practice of some mature small and medium-sized banks in foreign countries, there are many problems in the marketing orientation of the small and medium-sized banks in our country, which affect the competitiveness of the small and medium-sized banks in the financial market. According to the basic theory of marketing orientation, based on the macro environment of financial business of small and medium-sized banks, this paper objectively analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of small and medium-sized banks in their marketing activities. In order to clarify the marketing positioning of small and medium-sized banks conditions and basis. Small and medium-sized banks should realize the choice of target market through scientific market segmentation and combine with their own strength, and then formulate the marketing positioning strategy. Small and medium-sized banks should realize the transformation of the following orientation strategy to the market supplement strategy according to their own development conditions, and form the small and medium-sized enterprises' customers as the main body, and at the same time develop the community financial business and the personal financial business. To improve the compatibility of regional development, and through positive image positioning to enhance the public recognition and affirmation of small and medium-sized banks. At the end of the paper, the author summarizes the whole paper and points out the further research direction.
[Abstract]:With the development of China's financial system reform, small and medium-sized banks have become an important part of our financial institution system and a driving force to perfect our financial system. Compared with the financial practice of some mature small and medium-sized banks in foreign countries, there are many problems in the marketing orientation of the small and medium-sized banks in our country, which affect the competitiveness of the small and medium-sized banks in the financial market. According to the basic theory of marketing orientation, based on the macro environment of financial business of small and medium-sized banks, this paper objectively analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of small and medium-sized banks in their marketing activities. In order to clarify the marketing positioning of small and medium-sized banks conditions and basis. Small and medium-sized banks should realize the choice of target market through scientific market segmentation and combine with their own strength, and then formulate the marketing positioning strategy. Small and medium-sized banks should realize the transformation of the following orientation strategy to the market supplement strategy according to their own development conditions, and form the small and medium-sized enterprises' customers as the main body, and at the same time develop the community financial business and the personal financial business. To improve the compatibility of regional development, and through positive image positioning to enhance the public recognition and affirmation of small and medium-sized banks. At the end of the paper, the author summarizes the whole paper and points out the further research direction.
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