[Abstract]:This paper reviews and reviews the international literature on the composition of reserve currencies and its development. International research in this field focuses on the analysis of the determinants of the structure of global and group reserve currencies at the aggregate level and the selection of the optimal reserve currency ratio at the country level. Evidence shows that the evolution of reserve currency structure is slow, depending on path dependence, inertia and the characteristics of reserve currencies themselves. When the central banks choose the structure of reserve currencies, they generally consider the nature of the exchange rate system, the trade and financial links with the reserve currency countries and the interaction between the two. Country studies are generally based on Markowitz's mean-variance model (MV model) to solve the optimal monetary composition of a country's reserve within the framework of income and risk tradeoff. On the basis of summarizing the main application of MV model, this paper discusses the problems and possible improvement methods of the model in analyzing the composition of reserve currency. The paper also introduces the influence of the new development of the international financial system on the choice of reserve currency structure.
【作者单位】: 上海对外贸易学院金融管理学院;华东师范大学金融研究院;
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