[Abstract]:In 1976, Dr. Yunus founded microcredit in Bangladesh. It has made great achievements in the field of poverty eradication and economic development. Since then, as a new type of product innovation, micro-credit business has attracted worldwide attention and received worldwide attention and promotion since the 1970s. Microfinance has been widely recognized by the international community and developing countries for exploring an effective financial service for the poor population under the poverty alleviation system of the market economy and realizing the path of sustainable development at the same time. Against the background of the global financial crisis, our country has adopted a series of economic measures, such as expanding domestic demand and so on, to deal with the crisis, and the foothold of solving these problems lies in our country's huge financial market. Therefore, in this sense, whether or not we can solve the "three rural" problems in rural areas has become the key to the strategic transformation of China's economy. The key to solve the problem is to provide sufficient and multi-level financial services for rural areas. The development of rural credit cooperatives in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, has solved the financial needs of some middle and low income groups in rural areas and intervened in the microfinance market of China's rural credit cooperatives with innovative elements. The economic and social impact on the promotion of competition and development of the rural credit market is enormous. At present, the large increase in the demand for agricultural loans in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, is due to the increase in productivity and the investment in high chemical, biological and mechanical technologies, resulting in higher farmers' income. Increasing the agricultural loan of Baotou Rural Credit Cooperative can greatly promote the application of these new technologies and the development of local agriculture. In order to increase the lending of local farmers, we must reform the rural credit cooperatives microfinance market and make it a complete and effective financial system. The development of rural credit cooperatives in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, has solved the financial needs of some low and middle income groups in rural areas and intervened in the microfinance market of China's rural credit cooperatives with innovative elements. The economic and social impact on the promotion of competition and development of the rural credit market is enormous. In view of the present situation, this paper evaluates accurately and comprehensively the influence of peasant household microfinance developed by rural credit cooperatives in Baotou City, and probes into the process of manipulation and the methods to solve the problems, and then puts forward corresponding feasible policy recommendations. To further improve and construct the rural financial system of rural credit cooperatives in Baotou City, and give better play to the microfinance services of rural credit cooperatives, Its role in alleviating poverty and promoting development in Baotou area has important theoretical and practical significance.
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