[Abstract]:The banking system is always at risk because the products provided by banks are "money" and the risks are accompanied by the white commercial banks. With the development of banks, people's awareness of the risks of banks is gradually deepened and promoted. In 2012, China's economy has been in a complex and volatile situation for 3/4 years, macroeconomic data have come out, bank performance and management data have been disclosed. Some leading indicators indicate that the current and future downturn in external demand and the slowdown in domestic economic growth will continue, and targeted macro-control measures will continue to be introduced. Risk pressures continue to increase, and the ability to effectively balance risks and returns is being challenged. Demand for high-level risk management capabilities is growing.
China Construction Bank Corporation, as the first state-owned commercial bank in China, has taken the lead in a series of pioneering work in corporate governance, management system, management mechanism reform, the introduction of foreign strategic investors and overseas listing. The performance of commercial banks after listing has attracted much attention from all walks of life. In 2010, CCB was named "the most socially responsible listed company in China's securities market in 20 years"; in 2010, it was named "the best bank in China in 2010, the top 500 global bank brands ranked 13th, and the second global commercial bank brands" by British "Bankers" magazine. On April 18, 2012, Forbes magazine released its latest ranking of the world's top 2000 companies. China Construction Bank ranked 13th, up four places from the previous year.
The reform of risk management system has always been an important part of the reform of CCB. CCB has been making some beneficial attempts and explorations in the aspects of risk management system, mechanism and the use of tools. Under the condition of new corporate governance structure, how to transform into a public company operating according to market principle is the primary task of CCB. CCB has been reforming the risk management system thoroughly and perfecting the corporate governance structure since 2006. At present, CCB is improving the corporate governance structure. Efforts have been made to improve risk management capabilities and asset quality, as well as service levels and efficiency.
Firstly, this paper introduces the evolution process of risk management in China's commercial banks, explains the concept of risk management in commercial banks, and analyzes the corporate governance and risk management model of banks. The core content of the system reform is "vertical management, parallel operation, risk management gateway forward, the establishment of a new comprehensive risk management system". The paper discusses the strengthening effect of economic capital and internal rating method, the core tools of risk management in China Construction Bank, on risk management. We made some analysis and put forward some suggestions for further thinking and progress in risk management.
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