[Abstract]:At present, the study of institutional change is mainly carried out along two main lines: one is the evolution of informal rules with consciousness as the core, and the other is Lin Yifu's national rule construction line. The two main lines ignore the study of the relationship between the evolution of consciousness and the construction of rules. Taking the institutional change of rural credit cooperatives as an example, this paper holds that it is a "collectivist paradox" for farmers of collectivist spirit to abandon cooperative finance based on collectivism, and from the vicissitude history of the institutional arrangement of rural credit cooperatives. And its institutional structure, "collectivism fear consciousness", which evolved from the vicissitude history of rural economic system, provides a reasonable explanation for the paradox. Based on the deep analysis of "collectivist fear consciousness", this paper puts forward the interactive cycle hypothesis between the construction of national rules and the evolution of membership consciousness. Finally, it is emphasized that the guiding role of the member consciousness should be fully paid attention to when the rules are constructed in the transitional countries, and some prospects are put forward.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学武汉学院;华中农业大学经济管理学院;
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