[Abstract]:The financial company of enterprise group comes from the mutual penetration and fusion of industrial capital and financial capital, which is a way of combining industry and finance. After nearly 30 years of development, enterprise group finance companies have gradually become an indispensable part of the system of non-bank financial institutions in China. The development of financial company is not only related to the development of the enterprise group, but also to the improvement and upgrading of our financial system. NS Group was founded in 1982 and is a comprehensive large enterprise group in China. In recent years, facing the increasingly severe internal and external development environment, NS Group began to seek industrial upgrading and strategic transformation. As the starting point of group finance, CD finance company not only pays attention to its own development, but also plays the role of explorer and shoulders the important task of developing and gestating NS group financial industry. Firstly, through the comparative analysis of the development and current situation of Chinese and foreign financial companies, this paper reveals the problems existing in the development of Chinese enterprise group financial companies, and then summarizes and draws lessons from the advanced experience of foreign countries, connecting with the reality of national conditions. Looking for the opportunity and direction of further development of Chinese enterprise group finance company. Then, combined with the discovered problems and the research results, this paper studies and analyzes the external environment and internal conditions that CD Finance Company and its affiliated enterprise groups face. Finally, through the analysis of SWOT, this paper puts forward the plan of the development of CD Finance Company and the preliminary idea of the development of the financial business of its affiliated group, and clarifies the concrete development measures. The research results of this paper have a strong practical significance for CD Finance Company and NS Group itself, and also have certain reference value for similar financial companies in the industry. At the same time, the research process and results also represent a reflection on the development of enterprise group financial companies, which can provide a reference for the financial companies industry regulatory policy formulation, and help to promote the construction of our modern financial system.
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