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发布时间:2018-10-31 21:33
【摘要】:1991年泡沫经济破灭后,日本经历了长达20年的经济低迷,并长期面临通货紧缩的压力。为刺激经济增长和摆脱通货紧缩的困扰,日本在世界上率先实施了“零利率”及量化宽松型的货币政策,但日本宽松型的货币政策并没有达到预期目标,相反,是长达二十年的经济低迷与通货紧缩。 本文通过对泡沫经济前后日本经济运行状况与货币政策效果的比较分析,主要研究了泡沫经济破灭以来日本的货币政策是否有效与引起日本货币政策效果变化的原因以及对我国货币政策的启示。 本文首先通过定性分析认为泡沫经济破灭后日本的货币政策是失效的,并通过对日本货币供给量M2+CD和基础货币供给量增长率的对比,认为造成日本货币政策失效的主要原因是日本货币乘数及货币流通速度的下降,导致日本货币供给量增长率相对泡沫经济破灭前下降,造成货币供给量相对不足,从而无法有效促进经济增长和消除通货紧缩。另外,日本近年来储蓄率的下降、零利率导致的流动性陷阱、不断增长的巨额财政赤字、日本对外投资净流入的增加、日元国际化以及商业银行信用创造功能的降低等都减少了日元供给量,导致日本货币政策无法有效发挥作用。同时,本文还运用数学方法证明了日本货币乘数下降的原因是由于通货/存款比率的上升。 在实证分析部分,采用Eviews6.0对1991——2011年期间日元供给量M2+CD与名义GDP进行了格兰杰因果关系检验,结果表明M2+CD与名义GDP之间不存在格兰杰因果关系,进一步支持了定性分析的结论。 本文认为日元供给增长率的降低是日本近年来经济萧条和出现通货紧缩的主要原因之一,另外,日元供给的减少也是日元升值并造成日本失业率上升的原因之一,同时导致日本财政赤字的进一步加剧。 虽然当前我国经济仍处于快速增长阶段,但面临国际金融危机的影响,以及国内通货膨胀压力,如何有效的实施货币政策以保证国内经济稳定增长和防止通货膨胀高企,是我国货币政策面临的主要问题。借鉴日本货币政策失效的原因,应对商业银行的信贷规模进行有效控制并在货币政策制定之前对货币乘数及货币流通速度的变化进行准确的预测,以保证我国货币政策的有效实施。
[Abstract]:After the bubble burst in 1991, Japan experienced a 20-year economic downturn and long-term deflationary pressures. In order to stimulate economic growth and extricate itself from deflation, Japan has taken the lead in implementing the "zero interest rate" and the monetary policy of quantitative easing in the world. It is two decades of economic downturn and deflation. In this paper, the comparative analysis of Japan's economic operation and monetary policy before and after the bubble economy is carried out. This paper mainly studies whether the Japanese monetary policy is effective since the bubble economy burst and the reasons that cause the change of the Japanese monetary policy effect and the enlightenment to the monetary policy of our country. This paper, through qualitative analysis, thinks that Japan's monetary policy is invalid after the bubble economy burst, and compares the growth rate of Japan's money supply M2 CD with the basic money supply. It is considered that the main reason for the failure of Japan's monetary policy is the decline of the Japanese currency multiplier and currency velocity, which leads to the decline of the growth rate of Japanese money supply relative to the bubble economy before the bursting, resulting in the relatively insufficient amount of money supply. This can not effectively promote economic growth and eliminate deflation. In addition, the decline in Japan's savings rate in recent years, the liquidity trap caused by zero interest rates, the growing huge fiscal deficit, and the increase in Japan's net outward investment inflow, The internationalization of the Japanese yen and the reduction of the credit creation function of commercial banks have reduced the supply of Japanese yen, resulting in the failure of Japanese monetary policy to play an effective role. At the same time, the mathematical method is used to prove that the decline of Japanese currency multiplier is due to the increase of currency / deposit ratio. In the part of empirical analysis, Eviews6.0 is used to test the causality between M2 CD and nominal GDP in the period of 1991-2011. The results show that there is no Granger causality between M2 CD and nominal GDP. The conclusion of qualitative analysis is further supported. This paper holds that the decrease in the growth rate of Japanese yen supply is one of the main reasons for Japan's economic depression and deflation in recent years. In addition, the decrease in the supply of Japanese yen is also one of the reasons for the appreciation of the yen and the rise of the Japanese unemployment rate. At the same time, leading to a further increase in Japan's fiscal deficit. Although our country's economy is still in the stage of rapid growth, but facing the impact of the international financial crisis and domestic inflationary pressure, how to effectively implement monetary policy to ensure stable growth of the domestic economy and prevent high inflation, It is the main problem that our country monetary policy faces. Based on the reasons of the failure of Japan's monetary policy, the credit scale of commercial banks should be effectively controlled and the changes of monetary multiplier and currency velocity should be accurately predicted before the formulation of monetary policy. In order to ensure the effective implementation of our monetary policy.


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