发布时间:2018-11-01 11:38
【摘要】:村镇银行的成立是我国农村金融体制深化改革的有效途径,也是目前农村金融研究的重要课题之一,作为一种新兴的农村金融机构,是农村金融创新的结果,是小额信贷事业的新发展。随着“三农”事业的发展以及农村金融市场的供需矛盾突出,具有低门槛、多元化资金来源、灵活多样的股权与治理结构的村镇银行进入农村金融市场,将从根本上改变原有对农村金融体系存量改革的思路,引入增量因素,必将推动农村金融改革深化,一定程度上缓解了农村地区金融服务的供需矛盾。但作为新生事物,村镇银行在其试点过程中面临着一些困难和问题。 本文首先总结了农村金融理论及组建村镇银行理论基础,主要包括农业信贷补贴论、农村金融市场论、不完全竞争理论、麦金农和肖的金融深化理论、金融成长的内生理论和发展经济学理论。然后总结了国外乡镇银行及社区银行的成功经验,最后以中牟郑银村镇银行为例,通过分析及总结中牟郑银村镇银行的发展现状,主要包括公司治理现状、经营现状、内部控制现状、风险管理现状及对当地经济扶持情况,总结村镇银行的发展优势,证明村镇银行是可以存活的,是可以在农村区域经济中能够发挥积极作用,根据发展中现存的内部和外部问题,找出相应的解决办法,并运用SW0T分析方法,全面分析了村镇银行的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,进而指出了村镇银行应采用的运行策略。最后提出了中牟郑银村镇银行持续稳健发展的策略建议。
[Abstract]:The establishment of village bank is an effective way to deepen the reform of rural financial system in our country, and it is also one of the important subjects of rural finance research. As a new rural financial institution, it is the result of rural financial innovation. It is a new development of microfinance. With the development of "agriculture, rural areas" and the contradiction between supply and demand in rural financial market, village banks with low threshold, diversified sources of funds, flexible equity and governance structure enter the rural financial market. It will fundamentally change the original thinking of the stock reform of rural financial system, introduce incremental factors, will promote the deepening of rural financial reform, and alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of financial services in rural areas to a certain extent. But as a new thing, the village bank faces some difficulties and problems in its pilot process. This paper first summarizes the theory of rural finance and the establishment of rural banks, mainly including agricultural credit subsidy theory, rural financial market theory, incomplete competition theory, McKinnon and Shaw's theory of financial deepening. The endogenous theory of financial growth and the theory of development economics. Then it summarizes the successful experiences of foreign township banks and community banks. Finally, taking Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank as an example, it analyzes and summarizes the present development situation of Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank, mainly including the current situation of corporate governance and management. The present situation of internal control, risk management and local economic support, summing up the development advantages of village banks, proves that village banks can survive and can play an active role in the rural regional economy. According to the existing internal and external problems in the development, the corresponding solutions are found, and the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the village banks are comprehensively analyzed by using the SW0T analysis method, and then the operational strategies that the village banks should adopt are pointed out. Finally, the paper puts forward the strategic suggestions for the sustained and steady development of Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank.
[Abstract]:The establishment of village bank is an effective way to deepen the reform of rural financial system in our country, and it is also one of the important subjects of rural finance research. As a new rural financial institution, it is the result of rural financial innovation. It is a new development of microfinance. With the development of "agriculture, rural areas" and the contradiction between supply and demand in rural financial market, village banks with low threshold, diversified sources of funds, flexible equity and governance structure enter the rural financial market. It will fundamentally change the original thinking of the stock reform of rural financial system, introduce incremental factors, will promote the deepening of rural financial reform, and alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of financial services in rural areas to a certain extent. But as a new thing, the village bank faces some difficulties and problems in its pilot process. This paper first summarizes the theory of rural finance and the establishment of rural banks, mainly including agricultural credit subsidy theory, rural financial market theory, incomplete competition theory, McKinnon and Shaw's theory of financial deepening. The endogenous theory of financial growth and the theory of development economics. Then it summarizes the successful experiences of foreign township banks and community banks. Finally, taking Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank as an example, it analyzes and summarizes the present development situation of Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank, mainly including the current situation of corporate governance and management. The present situation of internal control, risk management and local economic support, summing up the development advantages of village banks, proves that village banks can survive and can play an active role in the rural regional economy. According to the existing internal and external problems in the development, the corresponding solutions are found, and the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the village banks are comprehensively analyzed by using the SW0T analysis method, and then the operational strategies that the village banks should adopt are pointed out. Finally, the paper puts forward the strategic suggestions for the sustained and steady development of Zhongmou Zhengyin Village Bank.
中国期刊全文数据库 前9条
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