[Abstract]:Publicity restriction system is an important system of securities law in major international financial centers in the world. However, China's securities law does not have any provisions on this, or even if there are provisions there are different rules of logic, the scope of application of the provisions are narrow and so on. The existence of these problems is incompatible with the internationalization of Chinese capital market legal system. Analyzing the system of restrictions on publicity in the securities laws of the world's major international financial centres and the problems existing in the securities laws of China, Furthermore, it is pointed out that the reason for this problem is that the approval procedure of China's securities issuance is relatively long and not predictable. In addition, there is a pre-procedure such as guidance system in China's securities issuance approval system. The aforementioned characteristics of the securities issuance approval system and the existence of the pre-procedure have replaced the function of the public publicity restriction system to some extent. Therefore, in the process of internationalization, in addition to introducing a system of restrictions on publicity, it is more important to improve the efficiency and predictability of the securities issuance approval process. To establish appropriate measures and institutional basis for the restriction system of public publicity.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;
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