[Abstract]:Student loan pricing is a dilemma: high interest rates increase default rates, and low interest rates do not guarantee student access and loan recovery. The interest rates on student loans in the world were generally low in the 20th century. As a result, the funding area shrinks and the recovery rate is low. Therefore, in recent years, the interest rate of student loans in various countries has gradually increased, which has improved the loan coverage rate and the recovery rate, which is also in line with the requirement of "receiving aid first" in the order of the operational objectives of student loans. Therefore, the state student loan should not subsidize students by lowering the level of interest rate, but should increase the discount rate. At the same time, the operation of the loan should carry out the differential interest rate and raise the interest rate of the student loan of the ordinary commercial bank appropriately.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学;
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