[Abstract]:The collapse of asset market bubbles and a lack of liquidity from the subprime mortgage crisis that began in 2007 hit the U.S. economy hard. In this paper, a univariate index to measure the "common factor" of the financial crisis is created according to the Lumsdaine andPrasad (2003 method by using the two indexes of the real return on assets and the broad money supply of the United States. On the basis of measuring the true value of the main indicators of China's macroeconomic and financial markets and the difference between the predicted values assuming that there is no crisis, this paper investigates the impact of the crisis on China's economy by constructing a seemingly unrelated model, (SUR). Our empirical study is based on monthly data from January 1992 to June 2009. The results show that: (1) China's imports and exports have been significantly, continuously and negatively affected by the US crisis. The deepening of the crisis has aggravated the decline of China's imports and exports; (2) the crisis in the United States has greatly expanded our fiscal and monetary policies, and the deepening of the crisis has been accompanied by the intensification of the policy expansion, especially in monetary policy; (3) although the impact of export decline, expansionary fiscal and monetary policies on consumption and private investment, the impact of China's consumption by the United States crisis, although statistically significant decline, but the range is very small; Investment has not changed significantly because of the crisis; (4) the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis on the overall return of China's A-share market is not obvious. In general, export and import are the main transmission mechanism of the current international crisis affecting our economy, and the impact is mainly in the real economy.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院;
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