[Abstract]:In this paper, the evolution of the international financial system is analyzed from the philosophical point of view of system logic, and the problem of global financial supervision is discussed in depth and from various angles. Pointing out that the current international financial field is still at a very primitive stage of "jungle" because there is no global regulation that represents the overall rational and overall interests, Determining the causal link between this lack of global financial regulation and the status quo in which the global financial system is manipulated, The author holds that the "Triffin Dilemma" in the current international financial system is in essence nothing more than an external representation of the "Godel logic paradox" contained in the system. On the logical and realistic level, it is demonstrated that only by breaking the logic entanglement similar to the phenomenon of "referee competition" can we establish and perfect the financial supervision for the "global village" in the real sense.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学金融学院;辽宁大学哲学系;
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