[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has been implementing an active investment policy. Under the impetus of this policy, foreign direct investment has entered China one after another, which has played a great role in promoting the economic development of our country, and foreign capital has obviously become an indispensable part of the economic development of our country. In the early stage of foreign investment, because of the small amount of investment, the impact on China's balance of payments is not obvious. At the end of the 20th century, especially at the beginning of the 21st century, with the development of China's opening policy, the inflow of foreign direct investment increased significantly. Along with the change of China's balance of payments structure, the current account and capital and financial account continue to "double surplus". Nowadays, China's labor cost advantage is gradually replaced by Southeast Asia and other countries, the domestic economic growth is slowing, and foreign direct investment (FDI) is also beginning to decline. In this context, the study of the impact of FDI on China's balance of payments is of great practical significance. In this paper, the domestic and foreign research on the impact of FDI on the balance of payments is first reviewed, and the theoretical basis of the article is established by putting both of them under the same analytical framework. Then, the influence of FDI on China's balance of payments is analyzed theoretically. This paper summarizes the various channels through which FDI affects a country's balance of payments, and analyzes the possible relations between different channels, and then concludes the mechanism of FDI's influence on the balance of payments. The analysis shows that FDI mainly influences the balance of payments through the channels of trade and capital flow. The processing trade of foreign-invested enterprises is the main reason of the surplus of current account, while the return of investment income of foreign-funded enterprises will narrow the surplus of current account. However, under the background that the capital account has not been completely liberalized, the role of FDI in promoting China's surplus of capital and financial items is obvious. Then, through the establishment of the measurement model, this paper selects the data of foreign direct investment (FDI) and its closely related balance of payments project from 1985 to 2011, and adopts cointegration technology to carry out regression analysis. Thus, the possible impact of FDI on the main items of China's balance of payments in the long term is obtained. Finally, according to the theoretical research and empirical results of this paper, combined with the current actual situation, the conclusion of the impact of FDI on China's balance of payments is drawn, and the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward from adjusting the structure of attracting capital, strengthening statistical monitoring and so on. Finally, the future development of the research is prospected.
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