[Abstract]:In the late 20th century, when the globalization economy became more and more obvious, the economic and trade exchanges among countries in the world became more and more closely linked with the progress of science and technology. The control of financial risk has become one of the problems that must be considered and studied deeply in the development of various countries. In essence, commercial banks are financial institutions with operational risks, and whether they can accept the severe test in the process of financial transformation has become the focus of attention. Especially since 2010, China's commercial banks have started to implement the Basel New Capital Accord step by step. Having strong risk management ability and level has become the basic requirement for the steady operation and healthy development of commercial banks. This paper firstly divides financial risk into credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk and capital risk according to the expression form of commercial bank risk, selects the index widely recognized by domestic and foreign experts and scholars, and constructs the early warning index system. Secondly, according to the annual report of the bank 2007-2011, the index data is collected. After the data collection is finished, the index is reduced by a variety of multivariate statistical methods and means, such as principal component analysis, stepwise regression and so on. Then, the concession value of the bank is selected as the basis for judging the bank's survival status, and the concession value data of all sample banks from 2007 to 2011 are calculated by using the pre-tax profit method, and the threshold value of the concession value is determined accordingly. Calculate the survival time and final survival state of the bank. Then, the survival analysis function model of banks is calculated by means of Cox regression survival analysis. Finally, the grey predictive GM (1 / 1) model is used to predict the franchise value and survival rate of Chinese commercial banks in 2012. The results show that the survival rate obtained by survival analysis is exactly the same as that by franchise value prediction, but the survival rate obtained by survival analysis method is more discriminative, more comprehensive and more objective, so it is more suitable for practical analysis. In this paper, the survival analysis model, which is widely used in medicine and pharmacy, is applied to the economic field, and the prediction effect of the model is good, which provides a new way of thinking for the diversification of the study of bank risk early warning.
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