[Abstract]:Credit card as a convenient means of payment, more and more popular with consumers, but also with high profits to attract the eyes of financial institutions. In recent years, the rapid development of domestic credit card business at the same time credit card risk is increasingly prominent. At present, the credit card risk of domestic commercial banks is still within the scope of control, but the occurrence of credit card risk events such as credit default, credit card cash-out, intentional fraud and so on is also more and more frequent. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to manage credit card risk effectively. This paper defines the definition, characteristics, types and causes of credit card risk, analyzes the meaning, goal and significance of credit card risk management, and introduces the advanced experience of credit card risk management in major commercial banks at home and abroad. Combining with the development of credit card business in Ningxia Branch of China Construction Bank, this paper deeply analyzes the problems and causes of credit card risk management in the bank, and finally puts forward the concept and culture of risk management in an all-round way. Strengthen the credit card risk prevention and control system and internal control mechanism, perfect the credit card risk prevention and control organization, enrich the credit card risk management means, establish the scientific risk management evaluation system and management team, perfect the external environment construction and other countermeasures. In order to achieve the construction bank Ningxia branch credit card business steady development.
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