[Abstract]:This paper studies the development of (TIPS) market of inflation index bonds in the United States, and holds that its experience can be used as a reference for China. At present, indexed bonds that can effectively resist inflation in China are still blank, and only floating rate bonds based on benchmark interest rates and money market interest rates are available to protect against inflation risks. Drawing lessons from the experience of the United States, the introduction of inflation index treasury bonds in China will effectively reduce the cost of government financing, further improve the timeliness and accuracy of the compilation and issuance of the CPI index, form a complete yield curve of inflation index treasury bonds, meet the needs of domestic residents and institutional investors to avoid inflation risks, and examine inflation expectations for the domestic central bank. Enhancing the transparency and foresight of monetary policy provides an important marketization tool.
【作者单位】: 南方基金管理有限公司;
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