发布时间:2021-10-23 23:02
【文章来源】:复旦大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:59 页
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
2.Research Aims and Objectives
3.Research scope and methodology
4. Background of the current study
Chapters 1.Overview of Chinese Banking Industry
1.1 Features of Chinese Banking Industrial Structure
1.2 The Changes of Banking System in China
1.3 The Current Banking System in China
1.4 The Reform Process of the State-owned Commercial Banks
Chapters 2.Problems of the State-owned Commercial Banks in China
2.1 Non-performing Loans(NPLs)
2.1.1 The formation of non-performing Loans
2.1.2 The magnitude of NPLs
Chapters 3.Reform measures for NPLs
3.1 Asset management companies(AMCs)
3.2 Recapitalization
Chapters 4.Research Methods
4.1 Measurement issues on measuring competitiveness of banks
4.1.1 Measuring banking efficiency
4.1.2 Selecting inputs and outputs
4.2 Research method for current study
4.2.1 DEA analysis
4.2.2 CRR model and BCC model
Chapters 5.Analysis on competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks
5.1 Scope of the current research
5.2 Inputs and outputs
5.3 Result and Comparison
Chapters 6.Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Implication of the study
6.3 Limitation on this study
6.4 Suggestion for further research
【文章来源】:复旦大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:59 页
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
2.Research Aims and Objectives
3.Research scope and methodology
4. Background of the current study
Chapters 1.Overview of Chinese Banking Industry
1.1 Features of Chinese Banking Industrial Structure
1.2 The Changes of Banking System in China
1.3 The Current Banking System in China
1.4 The Reform Process of the State-owned Commercial Banks
Chapters 2.Problems of the State-owned Commercial Banks in China
2.1 Non-performing Loans(NPLs)
2.1.1 The formation of non-performing Loans
2.1.2 The magnitude of NPLs
Chapters 3.Reform measures for NPLs
3.1 Asset management companies(AMCs)
3.2 Recapitalization
Chapters 4.Research Methods
4.1 Measurement issues on measuring competitiveness of banks
4.1.1 Measuring banking efficiency
4.1.2 Selecting inputs and outputs
4.2 Research method for current study
4.2.1 DEA analysis
4.2.2 CRR model and BCC model
Chapters 5.Analysis on competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks
5.1 Scope of the current research
5.2 Inputs and outputs
5.3 Result and Comparison
Chapters 6.Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Implication of the study
6.3 Limitation on this study
6.4 Suggestion for further research