发布时间:2018-01-19 19:45
本文关键词: 旅游地生态补偿 补偿标准 生态足迹效率 游憩功能价值 玉龙县 出处:《人文地理》2014年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:How to determine the standard of ecological compensation is a difficult problem in the research of ecological compensation of tourism destination, but also the key to restrict the sustainable development of tourism. Based on the ERON County of Yunnan Province as a case, the interests of ecological protection in the process of related to the highest degree of community residents as the object of compensation, to land value accounting for carrier, efficiency measurement method based on ecological footprint the system, to put forward the tourism ecological compensation is the lowest and the highest standards of reasonable calculation method, in order to improve the accuracy of tourism ecological compensation standard and provide reference to promote the practice of ecological compensation. The results show that the development of the tourism industry provides a market approach for realistic implementation of the value of the land, while providing community participation in the area the industrial development opportunities.
【作者单位】: 中国旅游研究院;
【正文快照】: 1问题的提出近年来,生态补偿受到我国国家层面的高度关注。2006年,国家经济社会发展的“十一五”规划中正式提出“按照谁开发谁保护、谁受益谁补偿的原则,建立生态补偿机制”。2007年8月,国家环境保护总局发布了《关于开展生态补偿试点工作的指导意见》。2013年十八届三中全会
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