发布时间:2018-03-11 01:28
本文选题:新型城镇化 切入点:旅游小城镇 出处:《成都理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:2013年12月在北京举行的中央城镇化工作会议提出:“促进大中小城市和小城镇合理分工、功能互补、协同发展。”推进新型城镇化、加快新农村建设和统筹城乡发展是消除城乡二元结构、促进城乡一体化的根本路径。建设与完善体制机制,有利形成以工促农、以城带乡、工农互惠、城乡一体的新型工农城乡关系,使广大农民可以平等地参与现代化进程,分享现代化成果。建设与完善城镇化的体制机制,有利于新型农业经营体系的健康构建、农民财产权利的完善赋予、城乡要素的平等交换、公共资源的均衡配置。旅游小城镇的建设能够很好地加快城镇发展,建立以城带乡的长效机制,扎实推进新农村建设,在加快新型城镇化进程中具有支撑作用。 首先,本文选取了介于城市旅游和乡村旅游之间的小城镇旅游作为研究对象,将旅游小城镇作为重要切入点。本文阐述了国内外城镇化与旅游小城镇的研究进展,对城镇化、新型城镇化、旅游小城镇相关概念进行界定,同时,对我国旅游小城镇现状及问题进行了分析。 其次,在阐述了新型城镇化的要求与建设体系以及旅游小城镇的规划要点的基础上,深入研究新型城镇化与旅游小城镇的发展关系,进而立足于新型城镇化视角下,运用多种研究方法,对旅游小城镇的开发做了相关探讨和研究,创新性提出新型城镇化视角下的旅游小城镇“五化”开发路径。 再次,本文阐述了西昌市安哈镇的开发现状与存在问题,安哈镇作为西昌市最年轻且唯一的彝族建制镇,其旅游开发初具一定规模,同时也存在一些开发不足之处。 最后,根据西昌市安哈镇的实际情况,结合新型城镇化视角下的旅游小城镇“五化”开发路径,最终提出西昌安哈旅游小城镇开发路径,即(1)产城互动,城镇与产业融合发展;(2)五位一体,合理布局促进和谐发展;(3)三宜同步,构建宜居宜业宜游风貌;(4)社区转型,升级为旅游新农村社区;(5)多规合一,注重多个规划协调问题。对西昌安哈旅游小城镇的开发具有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:In December 2013, the Central working Conference on urbanization held in Beijing proposed: "to promote rational division of labor, complementary functions and coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities and towns." Speeding up the construction of new countryside and coordinating the development of urban and rural areas is the fundamental way to eliminate the dual structure of urban and rural areas and promote the integration of urban and rural areas. A new type of urban-rural relationship between workers and peasants will enable peasants to participate in the modernization process on an equal footing and share the fruits of modernization. The construction and improvement of the system and mechanism of urbanization will be conducive to the healthy construction of the new agricultural management system. The perfection of farmers' property rights, the equal exchange of urban and rural elements, the balanced allocation of public resources, the construction of small tourist towns can speed up the development of cities and towns, establish a long-term mechanism to take cities and towns into consideration, and promote the construction of new rural areas in a down-to-earth manner. In speeding up the process of new-type urbanization has a supporting role. Firstly, this paper selects the small town tourism between the urban tourism and the rural tourism as the research object, and takes the tourism small town as the important breakthrough point. This article elaborated the domestic and foreign urbanization and the tourism small town research progress, regarding the urbanization. At the same time, the present situation and problems of tourism towns in China are analyzed. Secondly, on the basis of expounding the requirements and construction system of new-type urbanization and the planning essentials of tourism small towns, the paper deeply studies the relationship between new-type urbanization and the development of tourism towns, and then bases itself on the perspective of new-type urbanization. By using various research methods, this paper discusses and studies the development of tourism small towns, and creatively puts forward the "five-turn" development path of tourism small towns from the perspective of new urbanization. Thirdly, this paper expounds the present situation and existing problems of Anha Town in Xichang City. As the youngest and only Yi built town in Xichang City, Anha Town's tourism development initially has a certain scale, but there are also some development deficiencies. Finally, according to the actual situation of Anha Town, Xichang City, combined with the new urbanization perspective of tourism small towns "five" development path, finally put forward Xichang Anha tourism small towns development path, that is, "1" production city interaction, The integration of town and industry is a five-in-one, the rational layout promotes the harmonious development and the three should be synchronized, the construction of the suitable neighborhood is suitable for tourism, the transformation of the community, and the upgrading to the tourism new rural community is a combination of multiple rules and regulations. Pay attention to many problems of planning coordination. It has certain reference significance for the development of Anha tourist town in Xichang.
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