本文选题:延边地区 + 旅游文化 ; 参考:《延边大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the development of tourism has become a pillar industry of social and economic growth. In tourism activities, people are not only satisfied with tourist objects, but also have to experience, taste the local national culture and feel the cultural charm of the destination. Tourism is not only an economic activity but a social and cultural activity. Tourism culture is the material wealth and spiritual wealth related to tourism created in the practice of human activities. This paper discusses the development of Yanbian tourism culture from the narrow sense of tourism culture. Yanbian region is one of the birthplaces of Manchu nationality, the main origin of the three treasures of the Kanto region, the gathering place of Chinese Korean nationality, and the only autonomous prefecture of Korean nationality in China. It has a long history and unique folk customs, including art and food. Architecture, etiquette, religious culture and so on. As a result of these rich and colorful cultures, Yanbian's tourism industry flourishes and forms a unique tourist culture of Yanbian. It has the reputation of "the hometown of singing and dancing", "the hometown of culture" and "the hometown of football". Yanbian has become one of the most desirable frontier minority areas for many tourists. However, under the background of globalization, the cultures of various nationalities are constantly colliding, which brings about the deepening and expansion of communication among different cultures in mass tourism. The relatively remote national traditional culture is influenced by the global culture, and under the influence of the prevailing tourism in the era of globalization, it also loses its original heritage soil, national characteristics and its own personality. Although there are some achievements in the cultural construction in Yanbian area, the social public service links in Yanbian area are weak, the cultural values of national tourism are degraded and lost seriously, the development of tourism cultural products is unitary, and the cultural industry lacks cultural details. The commercialization of tourism culture is outstanding, and the restriction of talents and science and technology is outstanding. Therefore, under the guidance of Marxist view of culture, this paper sums up the restrictive factors to the development of culture, and from the perspective of economy, ideology, cultural industry and the modernization of human beings, systematically studies the characteristics of Yanbian culture. This paper combs the characteristics of tourist culture in Yanbian area, and examines the realistic significance of tourist culture in Yanbian area from the perspective of Marxist cultural research. This paper analyzes the present situation of tourism culture in Yanbian area, summarizes its characteristics and analyzes the problems arising from its development. Finally, a feasible solution to the problem is put forward.
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