本文选题:共生理论 + 乾陵遗产地 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of heritage tourism, the sustainable protection of heritage resources has been paid more and more attention. At the same time, the "surrounding environment", which is the key of heritage resources, has been paid more and more attention to. It is inextricably related to the heritage itself and directly affects the sustainable development of heritage resources. However, in the process of their development, their core stakeholders are not the same, resulting in a series of game processes, resulting in the development of heritage communities lag behind the development of heritage resources, and heritage itself can not achieve balanced development. As an important perspective of biology, symbiosis theory has been gradually introduced into the study of tourism industry in recent years, which provides a new idea for the interaction between heritage resources and heritage communities. Based on the three elements of symbiosis theory system, combined with the relevant research methods of rooted theory, this paper interprets the connotation of heritage protected land and heritage community, combs the related research progress of tourism symbiosis, heritage land and heritage community. The symbiotic model of Qianling Scenic area and its surrounding five communities was measured, and the symbiotic unit, symbiotic environment and symbiotic model between Qianling Scenic spot and surrounding five communities were determined, and the problems existed in the community development of Qianling surrounding heritage area were discussed. Summarize the application mechanism and improvement path of heritage land and community symbiotic development of heritage land. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Heritage community is a combination of the concepts of "heritage land" and "community". It refers to a community with a certain geographical structure and geographical space, rich heritage resources, and a certain group of people living in a certain kind of interactive relationship and having a common cultural sustaining power. This kind of community is defined by artificial specific area. 2. The symbiotic system between Qianling heritage site and surrounding community includes symbiotic unit, symbiotic environment and symbiotic model, in which the subject symbiotic unit includes community residents, tourists and practitioners of scenic spot, and the object symbiotic unit is Qianling heritage site. Carrier symbiosis unit is the status quo of heritage protection and tourism development in Qianling. The geographical environment, population environment, economic environment, policy environment and social environment constitute the whole symbiotic environment. Based on the rooted theory, a symbiotic model scale is constructed, which includes five main dimensions: economic symbiosis, psychological symbiosis, social symbiosis, political symbiosis and cultural symbiosis. These five main dimensions affect the different symbiotic modes of heritage resources and heritage communities. 4. Through the measurement of symbiotic model scale, it shows that different types of heritage communities will produce different symbiotic models, in which the community located in the core area belongs to the continuous symbiotic model under the condition of asymmetric reciprocity. The heritage community in the adjacent area belongs to the intermittent symbiosis model under the condition of partial benefit symbiosis, and the community in the peripheral area belongs to the point symbiosis mode under the condition of partial benefit symbiosis. From the five main dimensions of economic symbiosis, psychological symbiosis, social symbiosis, political symbiosis and cultural symbiosis, the paper analyzes the different ways to upgrade the community: the Qianling Village in the core area focuses on the protection of the heritage; Liaojiagou Village and Xijin Village in the adjacent area emphasize the development of supporting facilities for heritage protection and tourism, while the outlying areas of the invited Gong Village and Zhaiziyao Village focus on prolonging the industrial chain of heritage protection and tourism. All communities develop towards the symbiotic model of symbiosis under the condition of symmetry and reciprocity, and realize the symbiotic development of heritage protection land and heritage community.
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