inbound tourism tourism demand demand elasticity forecasting
A Study on the Factors Determining the Demand for China Inbound Tourism --Taking Foreign Source Markets as An Example
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WANG Chun-yang, HUANG Fu-cai (1. School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Chino; 2. School of Management, Wuyi Universtiy, Jiangmen 529020 China)
[1]厦门大学管理学院,福建厦门361005; [2]五邑大学管理学院,广东江门529020
Abstr:With the rapid development of international tourism, inbound tourism demand analysis has been a hot topic in the tourism field. Based on the data of 11 major origin countries from 1988 to 2008, the paper analyzes the factors which contribute to the demand for China's inbound tourism with the aid of the general-to-specific modeling approach and the tourism demand elasticities of these origin countries, and forecasts the inbound tourism arrivals to China for the period 2009-2017. The empirical results show that the most important factor determining the demand for China tourism by the origin countries is loyalty of tourists. The tourism price in China, economic condition in the origin countries, price in the substitute destination and special events also play significant roles in determining the demand for China tourism. The demand for China tourism will continue increasing, and Korea is predicted to be the largest source market for China tourism. We can know the development trend of tourism by analyzing the demand elasticities and conducting the forecasts of tourism arrivals, on which tourism development policy-making of China rely.
Keyword::inbound tourism tourism demand demand elasticity forecasting
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