本文选题:国内游客 + 认知评价 ; 参考:《地理与地理信息科学》2014年06期
[Abstract]:Tourist cognitive evaluation plays an important role in the development of tourist destination. Based on the primary survey data, this paper analyzes the cognitive evaluation of domestic tourists in Xi'an, the ancient capital. First of all, through the principal component analysis of 17 articles, the four main components of Xi'an domestic tourists' cognitive evaluation, namely service dimension, facility dimension, resource dimension and environment dimension, are extracted. The structural equation model of Xi'an domestic tourists' cognitive evaluation is constructed. Secondly, the hypothesis model is analyzed. The four dimension factors are the service factor, the environment factor, the facility factor, the resource factor, in turn, the four dimension factors are the service factor, the environment factor, the facility factor and the resource factor. Finally, based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that tourists pay more attention to service and environmental conditions in the process of tourism in order to obtain a deep tourism experience, which is the external manifestation of the transition from functional consumption to emotional consumption. The results show that the factors of service dimension and environment dimension have a higher degree of tourism cognition and less influence on resource dimension factor. The results have certain theoretical reference value for further improving the tourism service level of Xi'an, perfecting the facilities allocation and promoting the development of Xi'an tourism.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院;
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