发布时间:2018-07-17 20:30
【摘要】:根据世界旅游组织的预测,中国将在2020年发展成为世界第一大旅游目的地国和第四大旅游输出国。可见,我国旅游业的发展空间是相当广阔的。与此同时,我国旅游业也将面临着日趋激烈地国际竞争。21世纪是人才竞争的时代,,因此要想提高旅游业的国际竞争力,加快发展我国旅游教育事业变得尤为重要。然而在发展的过程中,由于过于盲目地追求发展速度,而忽视了旅游教育的方法或策略,导致目前旅游教育质量不高,且不同层次的问题陆续出现并变得日趋严峻,这种现象也逐渐引起了政府和相关学者对旅游教育事业的关注和重视。 基于上述问题,本文以全国31个省区为例,以地域分异规律、教育和经济发展的互动协调关系和能力本位教育理论为支撑。首先,利用主成分分析法和综合效益函数对我国各省区旅游教育和旅游业的综合发展水平进行了定量分析,并针对各省区旅游教育发展状况作了空间分异特征分析。其次,运用四象限法对各省区的旅游教育发展和旅游业发展情况进行了协调度研究。然后,针对旅游教育发展不均衡及其与旅游业间的协调问题进行了成因分析。最后,根据分析结果提出了针对性的解决方法和发展对策。经过研究,可以发现:(1)各省区的旅游教育发展水平不一,大体分为旅游教育发达、旅游教育中等发达和旅游教育欠发达三种类型;(2)全国旅游教育水平从东到西、自南向北呈现逐渐降低的趋势;(3)各个大分区内部旅游教育水平亦存在差异;(4)各省区旅游教育与旅游业发展间出现低水平协调和不协调等问题。 因此,通过本文的研究可为旅游教育事业未来的发展提供参考,为旅游业蓬勃发展提供实质性的指导,也有助于未来各省区旅游教育事业与旅游业间能够更加和谐、更加快速和更加持续地发展。
[Abstract]:According to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization , China will become the world ' s largest tourism destination country and the fourth largest tourism output country by 2020 . It can be seen that China ' s tourism industry will face fierce international competition . At the same time , China ' s tourism industry will face increasingly fierce international competition . At the same time , China ' s tourism industry will face increasingly fierce international competition .
Based on the above - mentioned problems , this paper makes quantitative analysis on the comprehensive development level of tourism education and tourism in all provinces in China by using the principal component analysis method and the comprehensive benefit function , and analyzes the development of tourism education and tourism in different provinces .
( 2 ) The national tourism education level is gradually decreasing from east to west and from south to north ;
( 3 ) There are also differences in the level of tourism education within each major district ;
( 4 ) There is a low level of coordination and non - coordination between tourism education and tourism development in all provinces .
Therefore , through the research in this paper can provide reference for the future development of the tourism education career , provide substantive guidance for the development of tourism , and also help the tourism education industry and the tourism industry to develop more harmonious , faster and more sustainable in the future .
[Abstract]:According to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization , China will become the world ' s largest tourism destination country and the fourth largest tourism output country by 2020 . It can be seen that China ' s tourism industry will face fierce international competition . At the same time , China ' s tourism industry will face increasingly fierce international competition . At the same time , China ' s tourism industry will face increasingly fierce international competition .
Based on the above - mentioned problems , this paper makes quantitative analysis on the comprehensive development level of tourism education and tourism in all provinces in China by using the principal component analysis method and the comprehensive benefit function , and analyzes the development of tourism education and tourism in different provinces .
( 2 ) The national tourism education level is gradually decreasing from east to west and from south to north ;
( 3 ) There are also differences in the level of tourism education within each major district ;
( 4 ) There is a low level of coordination and non - coordination between tourism education and tourism development in all provinces .
Therefore , through the research in this paper can provide reference for the future development of the tourism education career , provide substantive guidance for the development of tourism , and also help the tourism education industry and the tourism industry to develop more harmonious , faster and more sustainable in the future .
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