[Abstract]:Tourism has become one of the most rapidly developing industries, enjoying the reputation of "smokeless industry" and "eternal sunrise industry". The strong development of tourism also makes the tourism market increasingly competitive. How to stand out in many tourist destinations has become the most important issue in each region. More and more researches show that tourism image has an important influence on people's tourism decision and is one of the key factors to attract tourists. It can make tourists have good cognition and expectation to the tourist destination. The effective dissemination of tourism image can enhance the popularity of tourism destination, thus obtain good social and economic effects, and then gain a certain position in the tourism market. Therefore, the study on the image of urban tourism has become a hot spot. Chongqing, as one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government of China, has a unique region, rich tourism resources and a long history and culture. The tourism industry has gradually become the core industry of Chongqing and has made outstanding contributions to the regional economic development. Over the past ten years, Chongqing has vigorously developed tourism, but there are still some deficiencies in the dissemination of tourism image. These deficiencies will affect the image of the spread of the effect, hinder the rapid development of tourism in Chongqing. From the angle of communication, this paper summarizes the present situation of tourism image communication in Chongqing through the collation and analysis of the collected data and materials; finds out the existing problems according to the theory of communication effect; finally concludes the feasible communication strategy. For the spread of Chongqing tourism image to provide some reference ideas and suggestions. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction of the article, mainly on the background, significance and research methods of the study, combing the current domestic and foreign tourism image research results. The second part introduces the history of tourism development in Chongqing. The third part focuses on the status quo of Chongqing tourism image dissemination, through the integration of information and data collection, in the field of communication, the specific situation of Chongqing tourism image is analyzed. In the fourth part, according to Hoffland's theory of communication effect, the problems in Chongqing tourism image communication are analyzed. The fifth part puts forward the strategies of improvement and innovation combined with the problems existing in the spread of tourism image in Chongqing. Finally, the conclusion of the article, the research situation of the whole article is summarized.
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