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发布时间:2018-11-10 13:27
[Abstract]:Inbound tourism plays an important role in the development of Chinese tourism. With the increasing of China's international influence, foreign exchanges and interactions become more frequent, and the inbound tourism industry continues to develop. At the same time, the development of inbound tourism is still faced with many difficulties, among which the most prominent phenomenon is the imbalance of development between regions and the unequal scale of inbound tourism and income. Under this background, the development quality and motive mechanism of China's inbound tourism is a topic worth discussing. From the national macro dimension and the 31 provinces and cities' mesoscopic dimension, the paper calculates and analyzes the inbound tourism flow and the flow quality of the country and the provinces and cities from 1990 to 2014. The relevant data show that the national macroscopic aspect, The scale of inbound tourism volume is increasing year by year. The growth rate of inbound tourism flow is the most obvious in the 1990s, and the growth rate has slowed down gradually since 2006. The average fluidity index of national inbound tourism is 3.48, showing "M" growth pattern, and the economic benefit of inbound tourism is relatively high. From the perspective of 31 provinces and cities, the inbound tourism flow is gradually decreasing from the eastern region to the western region. The development of inbound tourist fluid quality in the east, middle and west regions is more complex, which can be summarized as effective improvement type, gradual retrogression type, fluctuation rising type and fluctuation decreasing type. According to the two evaluation criteria of inbound tourism flow and flow quality, the paper introduces the "Boston" matrix model and divides 31 provinces and cities into four types: star type, Taurus type, young child type and thin dog type. Different types have different formation mechanisms. Based on the relevant scholars' research on the influencing factors of inbound tourism flow, six main influencing factors are selected, and the dynamic factors are calculated and studied. The results show that the degree of economic development of provinces and cities and the convenience of international transportation are the two most important factors affecting the development of inbound tourism. There is also a positive impact on tourist attractions and the development of import and export trade. The influence of international exchange rate and social-cultural level is relatively small, and some suggestions are put forward to optimize the quality of inbound tourism.


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