[Abstract]:"Shan Zuo Jin Shi Zhi" is a part of the book of gold and stone catalogue completed by Bi Yuan and Ruan Yuan. The book covers a wide range, sophisticated style, textual research, with very high historical value. Its high quality and high reputation are all the result of the efforts of many scholars. Bi Yuan, the author of Shan Zuo Jin Shi Zhi, has contributed as much as Ruan Yuan, who eventually published the book. It is not right for modern people to hold a misunderstanding and negation of Bi Yuan's copyright. The compilation of "Shan Zuo Jin Shi Zhi" is a continuation of the historical activities of the shogunate of Bi Yuan and Ruan Yuan, and its compilation catalyzes the formation of the Ruan Yuan shogunate. And for the Qianjia period official-private interaction of the cause of book repair to provide another successful example.
【作者单位】: 天津商务职业学院公共课教学部;
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