[Abstract]:In recent years, thanks to China's economic dividend and demographic dividend, the scale of outbound tourism market has been expanding. With the increasing rationalization of the residents' tourism consumption, the lowering of the entry threshold of the outbound groups, and the introduction of policies to regulate the order of the travel market development, the travel agencies are facing strong pressure from the outside world. Nowadays, the competition among travel agencies has changed from resource-based competition to tourist-based competition. Only by mastering the source of tourists, can the enterprise be in an invincible position. The most effective and lasting means to win tourists is to enhance the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists. Based on the characteristics of tourism industry, this paper designs a questionnaire on tourist satisfaction by referring to relevant literature, consulting with travel agency staff and tourists. In this paper, the author takes the tourists of A travel agency as the object of investigation, carries on the mathematical statistics processing to the investigation data, analyzes the tourist satisfaction level to the travel agency service quality, the travel agency service quality and the tourist perception value. The relationship among loyalty, complaint behavior and satisfaction, and find out the key factors that affect tourist satisfaction, and analyze the impact of individual characteristics of tourists on the evaluation of service quality satisfaction of travel agencies. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between tourist service quality and tourist perceived value, loyalty, satisfaction, tourist perceived value and tourist satisfaction, loyalty; There is a significant negative correlation between the quality of service and perceived value of tourists and tourist complaints; There is a significant positive correlation between tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty. Among the four factors of tourist service evaluation, the reliability of service performance and service assurance have the greatest impact on the evaluation of tourist satisfaction. The analysis of the overall satisfaction level of the tourists shows that the tourists have low evaluation on the operating environment of the travel agency and the clothing of the staff, the information before the trip, the standard of transportation and catering, the external coordination of the leader and the construction of the atmosphere. By analyzing the individual characteristics of tourists, it is concluded that there are significant differences between different occupations, educational background, family structure, number of trips, tour routes, and tourists' evaluation of the service quality of travel agencies.
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