[Abstract]:The difference of development factors such as tourism policy, public facilities construction and tourism investment under the framework of decentralization system is the fundamental reason for the unbalanced development of tourism destination space. This paper makes a systematic analysis of the relevant documents, defines the main body of interest in the decentralization of tourism in China, and probes into the form of decentralization of the power network of tourism destination, which is composed of the main body of tourism interests. The roles and functions of different tourism decentralization stakeholders in tourism development are discussed, and the unbalanced performance of different levels and the problems to be paid attention to in the future are put forward. The results show that the division of interests in China's fiscal and taxation system under the framework of decentralization leads to conflicts of interest among different tourism development subjects, and the spatial asymmetry of interest power networks leads to the tourism industry structure and tourism land use. The development of public infrastructure and tourism service facilities and community space is not balanced. The future research should be based on the balance and reorganization of the interests of governments, investors and community residents at all levels, from the decentralization of regional tourism organizations, the protection of community participation system and its technical support, and the re-structuring of industrial space. In order to realize the sustainable development of tourist destination, the political role of rural tourism development is carried out in four aspects.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院;中国科学院大学;中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所;
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