[Abstract]:Hot spring tourism is a branch of tourism science. For latent subjects, because of the scattered distribution of knowledge and the latent state of academic power, it is suitable to replace the academic community with knowledge community, which is an innovative method to promote the research. In order to realize the mining and synthesis of relevant knowledge, form the research power, discover new knowledge, and finally enter the stage of academic research. In the context of knowledge community, in order to promote the research process of hot spring tourism, it can be supported by the cultural turn of geography, the weak group of sociology, the data mining of computational science, etc. Tourism research needs to strengthen the consciousness of knowledge reform, pay attention to the initiative of the main body in the tourism system, and support the weak latent discipline. At the same time, the potential knowledge energy should be excavated by self-strengthening. Regarding the research on knowledge community of hot spring tourism, the application of clue tracing method involves clue starting point, academic team, graduate student group, hot spring specialty, hot spring enterprise, association organization, international contact, knowledge carrier, etc. According to the relevant information, we can construct their own clue knowledge association, so as to construct the research category of knowledge community of hot spring tourism together.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院;
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