[Abstract]:The development of shared economy adheres to the joint construction and sharing of the people, which is embodied in improving the conditions of human survival and development and ensuring the realization of their interests. The development of rural sports tourism is beneficial to promote the overall development of urban and rural areas, promote the stable growth of rural economy, optimize the ecological environment, meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and enhance the fairness and richness of the fruits of shared economic development. In the face of the problems of the development of rural sports tourism, such as the employment quality of rural labor force is not high, the ecological environment protection is not effective, and the experience effect of tourists' rural sports tourism is reduced, the development of rural sports tourism should solve the problems of employment, income and related interests protection of local residents, give full play to the main role of local social members, and build a community of interests and destiny. Strengthen the experience of rural sports tourism to meet people's growing spiritual and cultural needs.
【作者单位】: 玉林师范学院体育学院;
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