[Abstract]:By means of the combination of the questionnaire and the sample interview, a random sampling survey was conducted on the recreation of 7 urban parks in Changsha, and the basic attributes such as sex, age and occupation of the interviewees were comprehensively studied. Use efficiency and behavioral characteristics to understand the need of urban residents for the recreation of the park, and provide the reference for planning, construction and management of the urban park. The results show that the population of the recreation and utilization of Changsha urban park is mainly resident in the vicinity of the park, the proportion of the retired old people over 55 years of age is the largest, the proportion of the male and female is basically the same, and the utilization rate of the park of the recreation person is obviously affected by the distance between the place of residence and the park, The number of people who have chosen to walk to the park accounts for 72.0% of the total number of studies, with the highest proportion of the recreation with the choice of fitness and the largest number of people who stay in the park for about 1 hour.
【作者单位】: 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院;
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