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发布时间:2018-06-07 02:32

  本文选题:审计 + 我国 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2000年硕士论文

【摘要】: 如果说资本市场是现代经济核心的话,那么投资银行业就是当今高度发育的资本市的核心,它以灵活多变的种种形式参与资本市场的资源配置,成为资金盈余者(投资者)和资金短缺者(筹资者)之间重要的联系纽带。这里所说的投资银行业是指从事证券包销、公司资本金筹措、兼并与收购、咨询服务、基金管理、创业资本及证券私募发行等业务的机构,,而上述所说的业务也统称为投资银行业务。当然,由于历史的原因,投资银行在各国的称谓有所不同,美国称之为投资银行,日本称之为证券公司,英国称之为商人银行等等,但不管称谓怎样,投资银行在现代资本市场上主角的地位已不可动摇。投资银行在我国还是一个新兴事物,是随着我国的证券市场的发展而发展的。在我国,由于证券公司从事了大部分的投资银行业务,特别是随着分业经营、分业管理的实行,证券业与银行业、保险业、信托业的分离,很多从事证券业务的信托投资机构都要进行业务的剥离和转制,转换成证券公司。因此,在本文中,笔者把投资银行业作为的证券公司代名词。 众所周知,我国的证券市场在短短的二十年的时间走完了西方发达国家几百年的时间才走完的路程,证券市场在为国有企业筹集资金、转换企业机制、优化资源配置、价格发现中起到了举足轻重的作用。而作为证券市场核心的投资银行业更是功不可没,在其中更是发挥着不可替代的中介作用,如为企业转制充当财务顾问、为企业发行股票债券充当承销商、为企业的收购兼并充当财务顾问等等。据统计,目前我国从事投资银行业务的机构数以千计,其中专营证券业务的券商有96家,兼营证券业务的信托投资公司有245家,证券营业部2000多家。投资银行业在我国已经取得了长足的发展,但是我们也应看到,正是因为我国的投资银行业发展的速度太快,以至于很多问题得不到解决,积累了相当大的风险,不利于证券市场的繁荣和健康发展。 证券市场的繁荣和发达程度是衡量一国市场经济发达程度的重要标志。当社会资本以证券为媒介形成市场化之后,市场经济的运行稳定与否就越来越受证券市场运行稳定性的影响。证券市场的风险性常常会诱WP=3发金融危机甚至经济危机,如30年代的世界经济危机的爆发最早就是从证券市场的暴跌开始的,近年来连续发生的英国巴林银行的倒闭、日本大和银行的巨额亏损和我国香港百富勤的倒闭、广东国投的破产清算,都在国际上引起强烈反响,对国际金融市场造成剧烈动荡。这些都给我们以巨大的警示,如果不加强对投资银行业风险的防范,一旦发生投资银行业破产倒闭的事件,将对我国还处于初级阶段的证券市场以极大的冲击,因为到现在为止,在我国已有4000万投资者,流通市值超过了1万亿,证券市场的风险甚至可能引发社会风险,这绝非耸人听闻。因此,为了有效防范投资银行业的风险,使我国的证券市场得以规范健康地发展,在国民经济中发挥更大的作用,这正是笔者选择“审计与我国投资银行业风险的防范”的主要动因。 审计参与对投资银行业风险的防范,不仅有必要性,而且有可能性。从受托经济责任的角度来看,投资银行业的风险实质就是投资银行业在履行受托经济责任过程中出现的方式或方向上的偏差所致,如果这些偏差不能得到及时的发现和纠正,就会逐渐从量变到质变,引起投资银行业风险产生。审计是一种“经济监督、评价和鉴证活动”,这既表明了审计的职能,又揭示了审计的本质。受托经济责任关系的确立是审计产生存在的前提;受托经济责任关系中的潜在利益冲突是产生审计的根本原因和直接动力。审计的产生存在于审查、评价受托责任履行情况的客观需要之中,是受托责任内在规律的必然结果。可以说,受托经济责任论构成了本文的理论基础。 本文的包括五个部分,结构和内容要点是: 第一部分:投资银行概述。阐明投资银行的定义、业务类型、发展我国投资银行的制度选择和发展我国投资银行的意义和作用。由于我国投资银行的发展时间较短,对投资银行研究还处于初级阶段,目前对投资银行的定义还存在一定的分歧。因此在本文中,笔者认为投资银行是资本市场上中介,主要从事证券承销、证券经纪、证券自营等业务的机构群。在我国,主要由证券公司从事这些业务。在这短短的20年中,投资银行业在我国的经济中扮演了越来越重要的角色。 第二部分:投资银行业的风险及其产生的原因。首先分析了投资银WP=4行业的风险表现:经营风险、管理风险、营运风险、财务风险等;其次对这些风险产生的原因从投资银行业的外部和内部因素作了一一分析。 第三部分:审计对投资银行业风险防范的必要性和可行性。首先论述了审计是受托经济责任内在规律的必然结果。受托经济责任关系的确立是审计产生存在的前提;受托经济责任关系中的潜在利益冲突是产生审计的根本原因和直接动力。审计的产生存在于审查、评价受托责任履行情况的客观需要之中,是受托责任内在规律的必然结果。其次,阐明了审计在投资银行业风险防范中的必要性。作者指出,从受托经济责任的角度来看,投资银行业的风险实质就是投资银行业在履行受托经济责任过程中出现的方式或方向上的偏差所致,如果这些偏差不能得到及时的发现和纠?
[Abstract]:If the capital market is the core of modern economy , then the investment banking is the core of the capital market which is highly developed in the present day . The investment banking industry is also called investment banking .

It is well known that China ' s securities market has gone through the western developed countries for a few hundred years after a short period of twenty years . The securities market plays an important role in fund - raising , transforming the enterprise mechanism , optimizing the allocation of resources and price discovery for the state - owned enterprises .

The prosperity and prosperity of the stock market is an important indicator of the development degree of a country ' s market economy . When the social capital is market - oriented with securities as the medium , the operation of the market economy is more and more affected by the stability of the security market .

The risk of investment banking is not only the necessity but also the possibility . From the point of view of entrusted economic responsibility , the risk of investment banking is the result of the deviation of the mode or direction of investment banking in the course of carrying out the entrusted economic responsibility . If these deviations cannot be found and corrected in time , it will gradually change from the measurement to the qualitative change and cause the risk of investment banking . The audit is a kind of economic supervision , evaluation and verification activities , which not only indicates the function of the audit , but also reveals the nature of the audit . The establishment of the relationship between the entrusted economic responsibility is the precondition for the audit .
The potential conflict of interest in the relationship between the entrusted economic responsibility is the root cause and direct power of the audit . The result of the audit exists in the objective needs of the review and appraisal of the performance of the entrusted responsibility . It is the inevitable result of the internal law of the entrusted responsibility .

The main points of this paper are as follows :

The first part : An overview of investment banks . Clarifies the definition of investment banks , the types of business , the development of China ' s investment banking system and the significance and role of developing our investment banks . As a result of the short development time of investment banks , the research of investment banks is still in the primary stage , and there are some differences in the definition of investment banks . In our country , the investment banks are mainly engaged in these operations . In the short 20 years , investment banking plays an increasingly important role in our economy .

The second part : the risk of investment banking and its causes . Firstly , the paper analyzes the risk performance of investment bank WP = 4 industry : operational risk , management risk , operation risk , financial risk , etc .
Secondly , the causes of these risks are analyzed from the external and internal factors of the investment banking industry .

The third part : the necessity and feasibility of the audit on the risk prevention of investment banking . Firstly , it discusses the inevitable result of the internal law of the entrusted economic responsibility . The establishment of the relationship between the entrusted economic responsibility is the precondition for the existence of audit ;
The potential conflict of interest in the relationship of entrusted economic responsibility is the root cause and direct power of the audit .


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