[Abstract]:Economic globalization makes the competition of enterprises become more and more fierce, and the financial instruments are innovated constantly, which makes the accounting environment of enterprises and the objects of accounting treatment more and more complicated. Because of the complexity of objective environment and the diversity of motivation, the supervision of accounting policy change faces new difficulties. At present, the regulation of accounting policy change at home and abroad is mainly the way of CPA supervision, and the effect of CPA supervision is mainly reflected by audit opinion. So, which motivations of accounting policy change behavior are paid more attention by CPA? Among the many contents of voluntary accounting policy changes, which CPA pays more attention to, and what is the degree of concern and the effectiveness of the review? Solving these problems has high theoretical value and practical significance. Based on the fact that the change of accounting policy can have a profound impact on the quality of accounting information through legal channels and ultimately affect the distribution of social wealth, this paper takes the change of accounting policy as the lead line. The change of accounting policy and the audit of certified public accountant (CPA) are comprehensively investigated, and the empirical research on the audit party of CPA is emphasized. In this paper, the change of accounting policy and its audit are discussed in theory, the motivation and behavior characteristics of the change of accounting policy are explored, the behavior of auditor is further analyzed, and the responsibility of auditor and the judgment standard are discussed in detail. And when the accounting policy changes, the auditors' attitude towards the audited items and the performance of their own audit behavior are reflected in the audit activities. After a full theoretical analysis, and then take all the listed companies with voluntary accounting policy changes in 2006-2008 as the research object, the empirical data of the accounting policy changes and their audit opinions in China are obtained. In view of some problems existing in the behavior audit of accounting policy change of listed companies, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions from the aspects of accounting standards, supervision department, corporate internal governance structure and CPA audit.
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