[Abstract]:Since the first negative audit opinion appeared in our country in 1997, the audit service in the securities market has undergone great changes. The phenomenon of changing auditors in listed companies is becoming more and more common, and the rate of change has been increasing year by year. This kind of phenomenon becomes the focal point that the society all walks of life universal concerns. For the study of auditor change behavior, the research of foreign academic circles is more mature, but the research of this aspect in our country mostly concentrates on the factors that affect the auditor change. Therefore, this paper tries to find out the motivation of auditor change and its economic consequences from a wider perspective, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of auditor change. This paper adopts the method of combining theoretical research with empirical research, and analyzes the relationship between auditor change and audit opinions before and after the change of auditors, on the basis of using the previous research results for reference. This paper discusses the influence of different types of audit opinions on the change decision and the effect of the economic consequences of audit opinions on auditor change. In order to verify the hypothesis of the theory part, using Logistic regression method and Spearman correlation coefficient method, the auditor change model and audit opinion model are established, and the A-share listed companies that meet the requirements from 2008 to 2010 are selected as the research samples for statistical analysis. The results show that: (1) the types of audit opinions of listed companies in the previous year have a significant influence on the decision of change this year, and the listed companies issued non-standard unqualified opinions last year are more likely to have auditor changes in this year; (2) A listed company issued a non-standard unqualified opinion in the previous year is more likely to obtain an improvement of the audit opinion in the second year by changing the auditor; (3) the decision of the listed company to change its behavior is affected by the type of audit opinion of the previous year, The greatest influence is the inability to express one's opinion. These results provide a basis for our listed companies to change auditors to realize the phenomenon of audit opinion purchase. Finally, according to the conclusions of this paper, the author puts forward the relevant policy recommendations to CSRC, CPA Association and listed companies, and points out the shortcomings of this study, and puts forward the further research trend.
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