[Abstract]:As the carrier of state-owned economy, state-owned enterprises not only promote the steady development of economy, but also promote social equity. How to give full play to the important role of state-owned enterprises normally and effectively requires the country to guarantee by an effective way of supervision, that is, through audit. This paper starts with the auditing of state-owned enterprises, studies on the legal system, and looks forward to perfecting the legal system of audit supervision of state-owned enterprises. This paper is composed of three parts. The first part is the definition of the nature of state-owned enterprises, policy positioning to highlight the importance of state-owned enterprises. At present, our country is in the process of economic transition, with many economic entities, complicated economic components, serious loss of state-owned assets and low benefit of state-owned investment. In this regard, if there is no good supervision to promote the operation and management of state-owned enterprises, the consequences will be very serious. From the angle of audit supervision, if we leave the audit supervision, our state-owned enterprises and economic operation will be in a state of disorder. Therefore, how to supervise the state-owned enterprises through auditing to better assume the economic tasks and social responsibilities, and how to establish and improve the audit supervision system is a major topic of later research. Then, the present situation of auditing legal system of state-owned enterprises in China is analyzed and the existing problems are put forward. At present, the audit scope stipulated by the national legal system is too large, and the audit power is contrasted with the number of state-owned enterprises, the internal audit legal category is numerous, the formulation is not uniform, and the independence of the internal audit subject is lacking. The legal system of external audit is not standard enough, and the advantage of external audit has not been brought into full play. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the legal system of auditing supervision of state-owned enterprises from the aspects of legislative idea, legal system and supporting measures of auditing of state-owned enterprises.
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