[Abstract]:Internal control is a management tool for enterprises to improve their internal operation process, monitor the internal operation of enterprises and ensure the realization of business objectives. Its main function is to ensure the standardization of all operations within the enterprise and to obtain true information of the internal operation status of the enterprise development. The external audit of an enterprise means that the listed company, in order to meet the requirements of the state regulatory authority for the supervision of the internal financial operation and production operation of the enterprise, By employing a third-party independent audit service to check and confirm the implementation of the internal system and the authenticity of its financial data, and ultimately according to the results of the survey to the market issued a survey report process. As a mechanism that can affect the efficiency of the internal process operation and ensure the compliance of the enterprise operation, the internal control system of the enterprise, Its existence will inevitably have certain influence on the pricing level of audit service activities which verify the effectiveness and compliance of the internal operation of enterprises. In this paper, through the application of multiple regression analysis, first of all, the relationship between the five elements of internal control of enterprises, such as control environment, risk assessment, control measures, information communication, feedback and supervision, is designed. It can be used to represent the index set of the five elements, so as to characterize the effectiveness of the implementation of the internal control measures in the five parts of the enterprise. Secondly, with the help of Schwartz's information criterion, this paper continuously removes all the representation variables within the elements under each sub-element system. By comparing the changes of Schwartz information before and after elimination, we can determine whether this variable should remain in the multivariate regression equation between the internal control elements of the enterprise and its audit expenses. Finally, an index set of financial, operational and governance variables is formed under the framework of the five internal control elements. Finally, this paper takes the index set of different internal control subfactors and the set of all the optimal indicators of internal control as explanatory variables, and takes the amount of external audit expenses of enterprises as the explained variable. In order to build the relationship between internal control and audit pricing, six multivariate regression analysis result equations under different perspectives are constructed, and suggestions are put forward for the construction of internal control system through the analysis of the result equation. It also provides practical reference for audit pricing strategy of audit service provider.
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