[Abstract]:With the frequent exposure of cases of fraud by listed companies such as "Qiong Minyuan", "Hongguang Industry", "Silver Guangxia" and other listed companies, the audit quality of accounting firms in our country is worrying and the confidence of investors has been affected by unprecedented impact. The existence and development of accounting firms are facing an unprecedented test. If we can objectively evaluate the audit quality of the firm, first, we can help investors distinguish the audit quality of the firm and reduce the investment risk; secondly, we can promote the firm to improve the audit quality. To change the public's distrust of the CPA industry. At the present stage of our country, when we evaluate the audit quality of the firm or the quality of a certain audit business, although there are many methods, it is not scientific and reasonable, and it is not refined to make it operable. Moreover, it is difficult to evaluate the audit quality objectively because of the lack of a set of typical, feasible evaluation indexes and better evaluation methods in the evaluation of audit quality in our country at present. For the healthy development of the firm and the optimization of the internal governance structure, it is necessary to establish a set of practical evaluation index system and adopt the appropriate method to objectively evaluate the quality of the firm. Therefore, this article takes the audit work quality as the research object, proposed the accountant firm audit work quality appraisal index system constructive idea. This paper attempts to apply the fuzzy hierarchy evaluation method to the evaluation of audit work quality by using the quantitative analysis method, at the same time, through designing questionnaire, adopting the form of closed questionnaire, An empirical method is used to confirm the influence of each index on the quality evaluation of audit work. On this basis, the evaluation index system and quality evaluation method of CPA audit quality are analyzed and studied, and a set of typical and feasible evaluation indexes and better evaluation methods are established.
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