[Abstract]:With the increasingly prominent environmental problems in the world, sustainable development has become the preferred strategy for the economic development of all countries. On the basis of this, the environmental audit is a new auditing mode which adapts to the development trend of the world economy in the 21 ~ (st) century. By consulting a large number of relevant research materials of foreign audit research institutions and referring to the research results of many domestic scholars on environmental audit topics, On the basis of the practice and investigation of the environmental audit group of Beijing Audit Bureau of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Protection Branch and the Institute of Audit Science and Research, this paper has completed the writing of this paper. This paper aims at the following problems: due to the lack of environmental auditing standards in China, it is difficult to carry out environmental audit practice effectively. Therefore, the author tries to make some breakthroughs in the following two aspects: first, the author hopes to establish a framework of environmental auditing standards from the theoretical point of view through the theoretical analysis of environmental auditing and environmental auditing standards. Secondly, by introducing and analyzing the existing international environmental auditing standards and combining the specific conditions of our country, we design the environmental auditing standards of our country. The article is divided into four parts, the following is a brief introduction to each part: the first part, Starting with the environmental problems and their solutions in a country's economic development, the author theoretically analyzes the importance and urgency of environmental auditing in a country's economic development. Then, according to the current situation of environmental audit in China, this paper puts forward the role of environmental auditing standards and the importance of studying them. This part aims to introduce the core issues to be discussed in this paper. The second part, starting from the general concept of auditing standards, discusses the main points of environmental auditing standards and the characteristics of environmental auditing standards, and on this basis, The author introduces the characteristics and defects of the three environmental auditing standards in the world, and then analyzes the relevant viewpoints of some domestic scholars and some contents of the environmental auditing standards in China's national standards. The purpose of this part is to provide a reference for solving the problems raised in this paper. The third part, on the basis of the existing auditing standards system in China, clarifies the relationship between the auditing standards and the environmental auditing standards. After analyzing the basic assumptions of the environmental audit standards, the author puts forward some suggestions on the environmental auditing standards of our country. The purpose of this part is to provide a theoretical basis for the design of environmental auditing standards in China. In the fourth part, the author first puts forward the principles of constructing the framework of environmental auditing standards in our country, and then, according to the existing auditing standards of our country, the author puts forward the starting point of constructing the environmental auditing standards of our country. Finally, on this basis, the author puts forward the key points of constructing the environmental auditing standards of our country. This paper puts forward the design of our country's environmental auditing standard frame.
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