[Abstract]:Audit opinion purchase has become the focus of the theoretical and practical circles because of its potential adverse economic consequences. In recent years, the empirical research on audit opinion purchase has achieved fruitful results. However, the research on the purchase of audit opinions is often transformed directly into the study of the change of auditors, ignoring the possibility that the management of listed companies can purchase audit opinions from the current auditors. Because firms have high start-up costs when auditing new clients, if they change auditors, they will inevitably charge a higher audit fee to cover the cost because the new auditor has to spend new start-up costs. This increases the burden on the auditees and makes it more costly for the management to change the auditor than to retain the current auditor. In addition, the change of auditors will attract more regulatory attention, and the provider of audit opinions, the auditor, may demand a higher risk premium. As a rational economic person, the management of a listed company may obtain more profits by purchasing the necessary audit opinions from the current auditor. Whether the listed company will purchase the required standard audit opinion from the current auditor or switch to other auditors to purchase the audit opinion depends on the management's price for the purchase of the audit opinion and the likelihood of success. May lead to securities regulatory attention, as well as the impact of stock prices and other aspects of rational judgment. Therefore, it will be a more comprehensive and direct perspective to study the audit opinion purchase behavior not only from the perspective of auditor change, but also from the perspective of audit cost. Therefore, the research on the purchase of audit opinions should be carried out from the two angles of the increase of audit cost and the change of auditors, so as to get a deeper understanding of the purchase of audit opinions in China's securities market. To provide a valuable empirical basis for the effective supervision of China's securities market. On the basis of previous studies, this paper uses Logistic regression model to analyze the relationship between the increase of audit cost, the change of auditors and the purchase of audit opinions, taking the A-share listed companies of Shenzhen-Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2004 as the research object. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the opinion purchase variable and the audit cost increase decision, which indicates that the sample company has obvious opinion purchase motivation and has a certain degree of influence on the increase of audit cost behavior. That is, listed companies can purchase audit opinions by increasing audit fees. However, it can not be verified that all listed companies can reduce the probability of issuing non-standard unqualified opinions by changing auditors, and it is impossible to prove that the sample companies have an opinion purchase motivation and have a significant impact on auditor change behavior.
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