[Abstract]:At present, the study and implementation of the spirit of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Party by state audit institutions is to closely revolve around the spirit of the 17th National Congress, closely link with the audit practice, and vigorously promote the scientific development of socialist auditing with Chinese characteristics. This paper sets up the scientific thought of auditing with Chinese characteristics around the implementation of scientific development view, establishes the theoretical system of auditing with Chinese characteristics around sticking to the road of Chinese characteristics, and establishes the development strategy of auditing with Chinese characteristics around the realization of the goal of well-off society. To explore a new way for auditing and supervision with Chinese characteristics around promoting good and rapid economic development, and to play a role in auditing with Chinese characteristics around the development of a political, cultural and social society, This paper discusses how to promote the great project of the Party building and strengthen the construction of the audit team with Chinese characteristics, which will play an active role in promoting the scientific development of the auditing with Chinese characteristics.
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