[Abstract]:This paper is a comprehensive thinking and further deepening of the key planning project of Hunan Audit Institute in 2006, "study on the coordinated Mechanism of National Audit Management". The coordination mechanism of national audit management generally refers to the harmonious relationship of various elements of national audit management and the operational principle of its effective function. It is of great practical significance to improve the level of national audit management, improve the quality of national audit, and give play to the role of state audit in the economic construction of our country. Firstly, this paper expounds the research background and related theories of the national audit management coordination mechanism, and analyzes the current research situation at home and abroad. Then, the paper makes a comparative study on the problems of national audit management in western countries, and summarizes the main experiences and enlightenments for our country from ten aspects. Through the field investigation and questionnaire survey on the current situation of national audit management in China, this paper further reveals the weak links of national audit management in China and the restrictive factors affecting the efficiency of audit management. On this basis, this paper puts forward the train of thought and theoretical framework for the construction of the coordination mechanism of national audit management in China, and probes into the measurement and guarantee measures of its effective operation. Finally, the case of audit management reform and innovation in Xiangtan City Audit Bureau is analyzed.
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