发布时间:2018-11-09 07:55
【摘要】:正 2008年11月16日,温家宝总理在四川省江油市调研期间,亲切看望了在活动板房临时办公的江油市审计局全体干部职工,在听取该局抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建资金物资审计工作情况汇报后作了重要指示。温总理指出:审计工作很重要,审计人员一定要把所学的审计
[Abstract]:On November 16, 2008, during the investigation and research in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province, Premier Wen Jiabao cordially visited all cadres and workers of the Jiangyou Audit Bureau, who were temporarily working in the activity board room. After hearing the report on the audit of earthquake relief and reconstruction funds and materials of the Bureau, important instructions were given. Premier Wen pointed out: the audit work is very important, and the auditors must take care of what they have learned.
[Abstract]:On November 16, 2008, during the investigation and research in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province, Premier Wen Jiabao cordially visited all cadres and workers of the Jiangyou Audit Bureau, who were temporarily working in the activity board room. After hearing the report on the audit of earthquake relief and reconstruction funds and materials of the Bureau, important instructions were given. Premier Wen pointed out: the audit work is very important, and the auditors must take care of what they have learned.
相关期刊论文 前10条
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