[Abstract]:Based on the modern contract theory, the background of Chinese audit market and the core of independent audit contract mechanism, this paper analyzes the internal mechanism of independent audit contract mechanism by means of game theory, mathematical theory and so on. This paper constructs the framework of independent audit contract mechanism, and probes into the conclusion mechanism, reputation mechanism, legal mechanism and control mechanism of independent audit contract theoretically and practically. This paper holds that independent audit is a market contract based on fiduciary responsibility. The transformer principle of audit quality requires the system frame of audit quality to be constructed by contract mechanism. The design goal of the independent audit contract mechanism is to improve the audit quality, the key is to control the quality and efficiency of the audit contract mechanism, the premise is the rational balance of auditors, and the principle is the correspondence of authority and responsibility. Concretely speaking: (1) from the audit contract conclusion mechanism, the auditor appointment right is the shareholder's basic right, let the operator or the controlling shareholder act as the audit principal will damage the auditor independence, Therefore, let the minority shareholders as audit principal can be regarded as the improvement of auditor appointment system. The low cost in the audit contracting process will seriously damage the audit quality. Improving auditor's legal litigation risk and establishing auditor's reputation mechanism can eliminate the negative influence of low price solicitation to a great extent. (2) from the perspective of audit contract reputation mechanism, Auditor reputation is the brand capital that can bring audit fee premium to auditor. The formation of auditor's reputation requires special cooperation between spontaneous credit mechanism and compulsory credit mechanism, linking audit fees with auditor's reputation, and establishing and perfecting civil compensation mechanism. Strengthening audit control is an important measure to establish and maintain auditor's reputation. (3) from the point of view of the legal mechanism of audit contract, too high and too low legal risk is not conducive to the consideration of public interest and auditor's professional interest. We advocate that the principle of presumption of fault should be adopted in civil imputation. When judging auditor's fault, the subjective will and objective environment of auditor should be taken into account on the basis of giving priority to result rationality and procedural rationality. (4) from the point of view of audit contract control mechanism, audit control is the correction mechanism to ensure the performance quality and performance efficiency of independent audit contract, which consists of qualification control, behavior control and disciplinary control. Star system is the system innovation in qualification control. In the process of behavior control, we focus on competition regulation, discuss the necessity and feasibility of building effective competition in audit market, and give some policy suggestions. In disciplinary control, we empirically analyze the current situation of disciplinary control in our country, and propose to deepen the decoupling and reform of the firm and strengthen the disciplinary force.
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